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Aftermarket Group - From: 301998 To: 316140 - Wheel Assembly, 25 Inch, 559mm, Alloy Radial Spoked, 1/2 Inch Bearing, 2 Inch Recessed Absd, Specify, Tire, Tube And Handrim

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301998 - 316140
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316110 Wheel Assembly, Spinergy Spox Everyday, Pneumatic Tire, Aluminum Handrim, Bearing, Recessed AEach
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316140 Wheel Assembly, Spinergy Spox Everyday, Pneumatic Tire, Aluminum Handrim, Bearing, Recessed AEach
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301998 - 316140
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Products Details
Black Anodized, Reinforced, Double-Wall Wheelrim, Clear Anodized Hub, 36 Radial Spokes, Precision Bearings, Specify Tire and Tube, Specify Handrim, Brushed Stainless Steel or Coated Aluminum,Wheel Assembly, 24 Inch, 540mm, Spinergy Spox Everyday, Pneumatic Tire, Aluminum Handrim, 1/2 Inch Bearing, 1.79 Inch Recessed ABSD,Black Anodized, Reinforced, Double-Wall Wheelrim, Clear Anodized Hub, 18 Radial PBO Spokes, Precision Bearings, Light Grey Primo Tire with Black Sidewall, Tread C-1083, Clear Anodized Aluminum Handrim,Black, Pyramid, Low Profile Urethane Tire. Precision Bearing. Black Composite/Plastic Handrim. Image may not reflect correct options - i.e. tire, handrim and wheel color.,Black, Pyramid, Low Profile Urethane Tire. Precision Bearing. Black Composite/Plastic Handrim. Image may not reflect correct options - i.e. tire, handrim and wheel color.,Wheel Assembly, 24 x 1-3/8 Inch 7-Spoke Black Mag, Pneumatic Tire, Aluminum Handrim, 5/8 Inch Bearing 2-3/16 Inch Flush ABSD,Black, Pyramid, Low Profile Urethane Tire. Precision Bearing. Urethane Tire, Chrome Handrim, 5/8 Inch Bearing, 2-3/16 Inch Recessed ABSD, 9-Spoke Black Mag
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Manufacturer Aftermarket Group
Code 301998 - 316140
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Aftermarket Group - From: 301998 To: 316140 - Wheel Assembly, 25 Inch, 559mm, Alloy Radial Spoked, 1/2 Inch Bearing, 2 Inch Recessed Absd, Specify, Tire, Tube And Handrim